Dear Beloved Readers,
Just wanted to write a quick note and apologize for my extended absence. I've been too wrapped up following the Charlie Sheen insanity going through some things on a personal level and will be back tomorrow with answers to the questions you guys asked in response to my previous post.
In the meantime, let me share this:
The other night I walked into the bedroom, flicked on the light and announced "There had better NOT be any cats under the bed."
(Note: We have two cats and they sometimes hide under the bed, even though they KNOW they are not allowed in the bedroom.)
After a brief pause, I said the following (in my best "commercial for a D.A. candidate" voice): "John Neeb -- Tough on cats, tough on crime."
Sadly, I was completely sober (as is usually the case).
Kind regards,
The Ducks Guy